Is Crafting & Delivering a
Persuasive Message a Constant Struggle?
Executive Presence & High-Performance Coaching for Executives who aspire to become influential communicators and achieve their business results.

Do you struggle to clearly get your message across during meetings and online presentations? Do your presentations lack focus and you ramble on to a disengaged audience?
Transform your Presentations; Elevate your Executive Presence to Deliver Key Messages with Style, Confidence and Authority.

Book an Executive Presence Assessment Session
Set up an Assessment Session to determine your Executive Presence strengths and weaknesses.

Determine your Coaching Objectives
Establish where you are now and what you aspire to achieve.

Establish the Learning Outcomes
Identify your personal gaps around presentations and set the required learning outcomes.

Choose your Learning Option
Find the ideal learning solution that matches your needs and your budget.

Determine when to Get Started
Once the gaps are identified, the coaching option chosen, now it’s time to decide when to get started.

Put your new Skillset to Work
Transform your aptitude; your skillset and achieve your desired business results.

Experiential works with individuals and organizations in a wide range of industries from aeronautics manufactures, higher-education, government ministries, insurance, private equity and more.

Pharmaceuticals & Medical Devices

Hospitality & Aviation

Private Equity Investment

University & Government



In today’s fast-paced business world, every presentation has high stakes, and every audience deserves your absolute best. You—the presenter needs to be at your best.
Experiential’s Executive Presence Presentation Coaching will equip you with the tools and techniques needed to achieve success. One-to-one presentation coaching helps you to be your best self as a relaxed, confident leader or executive.
Hello, I am Pamela Wigglesworth, CEO and Communication Consultant at Experiential. You will learn how to enhance your presentation by speaking at the right pace and volume; develop the skills to communicate in a way that makes an emotional connection with your audience, client or management; and use storytelling to engage them.
Become comfortable knowing how to make the right changes to your content, deliver your message with style and confidence and demonstrate positive body language and gestures.


Presentation training is my wheelhouse. I help clients establish their executive presence, then share their thoughts and ideas, and deliver high-performance presentations with style, confidence and authority. I support clients across multiple industries and countries across Asia.
Skilled international professional speaker and facilitator who has been awarded the (CSP) Certified Speaking Professional designation conferred by the National Speakers Association, in which there are approximately 750 CSP’s worldwide, and a member of the Global Speaker’s Federation. Experienced corporate facilitator of 13+ years in training and development with a WSQ Advanced Certification in Training & Assessment (ACTA).
Executive Presence & Presentation training takes anxious, time-strapped senior leaders and executives with unstructured, unclear presentation skills and transforms them into empowered, authoritative, and compelling presenters that deliver business results.

I’m sure you have questions. Everybody does. The next step is to reach out to me to connect. Schedule a 20-minute consultation call.
Six Reasons to Choose Experiential

Personalized Assistance
A variety of coaching and consulting services available to give you personalized help.

Actionable Learning Activities
Quick, effective actionable learning activities and techniques that can be implemented easily and immediately.

Applicable for all Employee Levels
Presentation training and consultation is applicable for all levels of employees. Coaching for middle management and above.

Experts in Presentation & Persuasion
Coaching and consulting conducted by experienced Corporate Trainer and Certified Professional Speaker (CSP) in the field of presentation and persuasion.

Global Coaching & Consulting
Able to work effectively with clients all across the world at any time via a variety of web conferencing services.

Affordable Options
As you need it services and coaching packages to suit your needs and your budget. Choose between a one-off services or on-going coaching.

In the months I worked with Pamela in our one-to-one coaching sessions, she significantly transformed my executive presence. Focusing on my content, delivery and how I dressed impacted my overall confidence and presentation delivery. I moved away from the typical presentation opening of ‘who we are and what we do’, to opening with issues, concerns and challenges relevant to the client which got them to sit up and take notice. It was truly revolutionary and changed my perspective on presenting to clients and prospects. Ultimately my transformation was acknowledged when a recent presentation to corporate headquarters was rated within the top three presentations out of over 100 entries from my peer salesmen all over the world. Moreover, I found it fulfilling as I had the chance to practice what I’d learnt in a real business setting when my company was asked to participate in several final pitches. With my new skillset I continue to make inroads in my business development and client acquisition with greater confidence thanks to Pamela’s guidance.
Anselmo Park
Pamela was recommended to me by a colleague who was impressed with her approach. We focused on delivering an effective memorable message for an industry summit and preparation for a media interview. Based on the feedback I received for the various forums I presented to, working with Pamela was a great investment. This success was due to how Pamela personalised the coaching she provided. Thanks Pamela.
Colin Albert
BioPharma Industry Senior Executive
I want to shout out a big thank you to Pamela for a brilliant display of awesomeness and mastery at a conference I recently organised. Pamela owned the stage from the moment she stepped up, to the time she chose to exit. And the feedback was excellent. If you need some-one on topic; Pamela is that person who will make the organizers look brilliant.
Kevin Lovewell
Chair AIBB Conference Committee